God's Place Your Refuge


Welcome to Gethsemane Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

It is our deepest hope that you will find the presence and comfort of God as you worship with us and participate in the life of the church.

We are an open, multicultural congregation with a casual atmosphere. Our facility is wheelchair accessible.

Live Stream Worship Information

Sunday worship services are live streamed via Zoom Meetings and simulcast on YouTube

An embed of the current week's YouTube live stream is provided on this page.

Contact us for the Zoom meeting join information.

A YouTube playlist of the current year's worship recordings is also available.


If you wish to attend via Zoom, contact us for more information.

Faith Formation

Bible Study - Sundays at 9:15 am

Purpose Statement

We are:

Guiding Principles

As Gethsemane Lutheran Church we:

6810 E 10th St

Indianapolis, Indiana 46219

(317) 357-7369